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IntegrART8 – join our ESC volunteering project!

Join next edition of our European Solidarity Corps volunteering project called IntegrART. We are looking for 6 participants aged 18-30 years old from European Union or Ukraine. Duration of the project is 01.10.2024-30.09.2025 in Kraków, Poland. You have choice between 1 vacancy in big cultural centre, 4 in local cultural clubs and 1 in high school. Application deadline: the sooner the better!

One of volunteers will join the team of Klub Kultury Przegorzały. Check what previous volunteers have done with us:

How to apply

Fill the application form here:…/apply-for-integrart/ and send it with your CV to the address:

Please express your interest in the opportunity:

This project is financed by the European Solidarity Corps programme: you will get accommodation (flat with three rooms in the city center), transportation (also city card), language support, monthly: money for food and pocket money. Your job will be to organize cultural and social events. More detail on our website in INFOPACK.